Help yourself and others
Helping Yourself

Take care of your family by using your knowledge and experience before the rescue teams arrive.

Helping Others

It is very important to help each other during disasters because the rescue team will not be able to find you immediately. If people can help each other, the probability of survival is greater.


① Do not hesitate to ask for help or help others

A request for help can matter a lot more than you think. No matter if it's helping others or asking for your help, effective cooperation will increase the likelihood of more lives being saved.

② Use the limited resources around you

Think of ways to utilize resources around you to solve problems during disasters.

③ Initial dispatch emergency disposal (First aid)

There will be many people injured when earthquakes occur. The traffic will be stuck so the ambulance cannot get to the destination easily. As a result, people must have knowledge about first aid in order to help others before the ambulance arrive.

(For more information please check page 78)