Escape simulation

When you hear the fire alarm or you think you are in danger from fire, there are two situations you need to confirm before you move from your room to emergency stairscase or outdoor.

When you stuck on a fire floor, there are multiple scenarios you may encounter:

① When the fire is in your apartment

If a fire breaks out in your room, you should leave your room and close (do not lock) the door behind you. It is very important that you close the door because it can restrict the fire in the room to slow down the pace of spreading out. After you closed your door, move toward the emergency stairscase to evacuate.

Note: If you notice heavy smoke layer, you should lower your body and crawl on the floor to evacuate.

② When the fire is not in your apartment

If you cannot identify the accurate position of the fire, quickly feel door's temperature with the back of your hand and check if there are smokes coming in from the crack between the door and its frame. By inspecting there is no smoke and the temperature of the door is low, you can open the door and begin to evacuate. However, if you notice smoke after you open the door then you should step back to your room and close the door immediately. Also, it is essential to fill up the crack between the door and its frame to obstruct the smoke since you can gain time for yourself to report your location to 119. Additionally you provide more time for the rescue team to rescue you. On the other hand, if you do not see any smokes after you open the door then escape to safe places.

※Tips to escape from a fire place “Close the door”

“Close the door” may seem to be a simple action but it determines the doors' fire blocking effectiveness. By closing the door to restrain the fire in a single space can slow down the pace of fire catching and spreading to other places. When the fire and smoke is blocked, you will have more time to wait for the rescue team. However, doors that are made by plastic will change its shape due to the high temperature in the fire and its fire blocking function will not stand out. Please educate people around you of this simple tip of “close the door” of escaping from a fire place because it not only can save others lives but also your life.

  • Explanation: floor on fire, non-fire floor. People's evacuation routes.

    Explanation: floor on fire, non-fire floor.

    People's evacuation routes.

What should you do when you are not on the fire floor?

You can listen to the building's emergency broadcast to confirm whether you are situated on the fire floor or not. After you have confirmed your floor is not on fire then you can proceed with following procedure for escape:

① Observe the door shape and check if there is smoke coming in from the crack between the door and its frame.

② Measure the surface and the handle of the doors' temperature.

③ Make sure the temperature is not rising and the smoke is not coming in to your room then open the door.

④ You should check if there is still no smoke after you open the door.

⑤ If there is no smoke, you can begin to escape.

⑥ Close the door behind you and make sure you do not lock the door.

⑦ Move to the emergency staircase immediately.

⑧ Make sure there are no smoke after you enter the staircase.

⑨ If there is smoke in the staircase, step back in your room and close the door.

※ Fire place reminder:escape to lower floors

You only have to make sure there are no signs of smoke in the safety staircase, and then you should move downward to the ground floor or move toward the safe floors. Also, you have to make sure you close the safety door to incase the fire spreads to the staircase.