The cleaning and recovery after disaster

① Wastes disposal poilcy after typhoon

Please separate wastes that can rot and stink easily from other wastes. Please cooperate with environment protection office to ship the waste. Do not abandon your waste in public area because it may pollute the environment.

② Massive waste

If you need to abandon your household electrical appliance or large furniture,

please contact the environment protection office to arrange a time and location of where you can dump your things. The process of cleaning up can be more efficient in this way as the locations are usually easier for them to clean up.

③ Sanitizing the environment

Methods of sanitization: (sanitization should be proceed after you clean up the carbage)

⑴ Kitchen:Place the table ware in hot boiled water. Table wares that cannot be boiled, therefore soak it in the solution that combines 200ppm chlorine and 40cc bleach for 30 minutes.

⑵ Indoor:Wash the floor, wall, wash room, bathroom, kitchen and living room with a solution of 500ppm chlorine combine with 100 bleach.

⑶ Courtyard, gutter or other moisture area: Spray the environment with a solution of 1000ppm chlorine combine with 200ml bleach. Please protect your eyes and skin while spraying.

⑷ Underground or roof water tower: you should drain the tower before you sanitize it and refill the water after you sanitize the tower. For public environment, you can ask the sanitization team in your region for help.

  • 民眾可以從家中取得之度量工具或以保特瓶 ( 容量 0.6L、1.5L 及 5L) 或一平匙約 20mL 等作為稀釋時之度量工具。

    民眾可以從家中取得之度量工具或以保特瓶 ( 容量 0.6L、1.5L 及 5L) 或一平匙約 20mL 等作為稀釋時之度量工具。

  • 病媒蚊孳生源 自我檢查表 QR code

    病媒蚊孳生源 自我檢查表 QR code

④ Prevention of Vector Mosquito

It is easy to nurture breeding grounds for vector mosquitos in a moist environment. Therefore, the flooding area after typhoon or containers should be examined properly.

The examination items include vase, water container, basement, pipe, water tower or abandon tires on your roof top. Please follow the self-check-up list on our website at http://www.epa. gov.tw/public/data/4691704471.pdf to start your own check-up now.